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The company

Advertising and Publishing house TEMTO was founded in 1991 with main activity preprinting and design of printed matter.



Many books have been produced - from typing of text, its correction and edition, through the formatting and design, then the illustration - till the printing.

There are children's books, poetry, novels and scientific literature. The periodicals were elaborated with the help of editors from the Institute for Balkan Studies, the Ethnographic Institute, National Centre for Agrarian Sciences.
Since 2001 we have been publishing the journal Contacts - an issue of the Interdisciplinary Civic Academy (ICA), as well as the Proceedings from the summer and autumn conferences of ICA.

For many years, much part of our work were some documents and books of the Insurance company UNIQA.

Great contribution to the preparation of advertising has our painter Monica. Her sense of beauty and harmony appear in every product.

A great pleasure for her is to paint illustrations - to poems, fairy tales or other stories.

In our work we aim to fulfill the maximum the desires and wishes of the client. We take into consideration the constantly increasing requirements for aesthetic layout, content and good printing.


To create beautiful and properly sustained issues is our priority!


Welcome to our publishing company!